Monday, November 06, 2006

Slowing down

Well, the progress has slowed for now. The good news is it has not been raining, so we should be able to make blocks soon. Also trucks bringing the materials for this process will not get stuck in the mud. There are some other details we need to take care of before we forge ahead. We had a survey done of the land and are waiting for a drawing. We will need this to get building permit. It is not really a permit but that is the best way to describe it. It has to be official with the town here. It was strongly recommended this be taken care of before we forge ahead full steam. It seems they gave a Frenchman a bit of trouble when he built a house here without informing anyone. So for now we wait for African beurocracy. I am hoping this moves along quickly, but hey it is Africa, time takes on a whole new meaning, particularly for busy Americans. Our whole concept of time and being on time and schedule, is not really shared by much of the world. Africans are really not so time focused. Sometimes church here is 2 hours but last week it was 4! I am learning to see things differently. The best way to learn this lesson here is travel, but I wont get into that now. Pray things move.

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