Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Spur of the moment...

I was going to pray for a sick girl with my friend Gerard, but got stopped along the way. We ware talking about evangelism, and then we met up with a friend of his. I felt prompted to share about Christ with this kid and we prayed he would start a relationship with God. God gave me a word for him that was encouraging too. We didnt make it too much farther when we reached another of his friends, and he asked if I would talk to him too. I was able to share and pray with this man as well. God gave me a word of knowlege for him, and Gerard said it was true, because he knew this kid for many years. When we finally made it to the sick girl, it turned out she was not sick anymore, she was feeling fine. It was cool because I was talking with Gerard about joining me for evangelism, then it just happened and he was really excited about it, and wants more.

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