Wednesday, November 08, 2006


There is a large group of kids in their twenties, some younger, that live in a section of Oussouye called Harlem. Except in French you never pronounce an ‘H’ so it is sounds like Arlem. Anyway, since UCF has been taking trips to Senegal we have taking time just to hang out with some of these kids, just talking, playing games, and sharing life. Most of these kids are muslim or animists, and really don’t know anything about Christ. Since I have been here, I have just picked up where we left off. There are two guys in particular who speak English well, so I have been able to connect with them. When I go to the neighborhood, we just sit around and one of the houses in the area, and play cards or just talk. Usually someone makes some strong, sweet tea that you drink out of shot glasses. It is part of muslim culture to drink this tea. Anyway, one day in particular we were just sitting around talking and I was talking to God (silently of course) I asked ‘God if you want me to talk about you, show me the time and how’ About when I finished that prayer, out of nowhere a girl asked me if I had ever seen God. I took this as a sign and opportunity to share. At first we were just talking, because she really wanted to learn English and practice. Now my two friends, were in on the conversation and translating. They were also very interested in the topic. There was a small group that entered the discussion and a cool door was opened. They know why I am here and they wanted to see the building site. I got to take them there and show them and we just sat there on a stump and talked for a long time. A few days later they introduced me to one of their friends who was deaf, I asked if I could pray with him and he quickly agreed. I am not sure if anything happened (thats up to God) but the kid was happy I prayed for him and I know I will get another opportunity. I would love to see him hear ! As for my two English speaking friends, Moussa and Fabacary, things have opened up. After I prayed for the deaf kid, Moussa said to me ‘I want to talk more with you about speaking to God’. A couple days ago Fabacary left to go to University in Dakar for the year. Before he left I got to pray with him, and give him a bible. He just emailed me from there and said he started reading the bible and really liked it, he also asked me to keep praying for him. After the first time we talked about God he had a powerful dream. I continue to spend time with Moussa and all the other kids in Harlem. I am teaching them some new card games and they are teaching me some as well. As I mentioned in a previous email these are the kids that gave me a nickname in ‘Jola’, their local dialect. The name is Ehoum-ba-lay, it roughly means someone who brings joy. I thought that was pretty cool, I hope to really share the gospel with all of them. Pray for Moussa and Fab and all the kids in Harlem to be open and hungry for Jesus.

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