Thursday, November 23, 2006

New disciples

There are a few guys in particular I have been focusing my evangelistic efforts on, and God has been doing some cool things. When I was here in March I made a couple of contacts with two guys in high school. They both came around because they were interested in learning and practicing English. (I kept touch over email while in the states) One is Damien and the other Ishmael, and I see them almost daily. They stop by to talk between classes, as I live across from the school. I have been sharing Christ with them and they both prayed to start a relationship with Jesus. I gave Damien a bible and told him to start reading the gospel of Mark, I encouraged to be asking God to speak to him through it. The next day he came over and shared how God spoke. He got a really cool revelation. As for Ishmael, God talked to him in a dream, and said he was not to be a part of animistic worship, or following the Mirabou (which are Islamic holy men) So we have started going through the bible together.

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