Friday, November 24, 2006


Well today we started construction once again. Things worked out with the permit after a few days; there were a couple of snags but all seems well for the moment. Yesterday was spent negotiating prices for materials; we will purchase most of the materials in Ziguinchor, which is about an hour drive from where I am living. It is not an easy process, and I had some trouble getting money from the bank. So for now I bought 4 tons of cement and three trucks of sand, for brick making. The workers cleared the site more thouroughly removing weeds and brush to make room for all the bricks. They will use a form to make each by hand and lay them in the sun to dry. Then they must pour water over them once in the morning and once in the evening for three days. If they do not the bricks will dry out and crumble easily. I will be there later to make sure all is well; now I am in Ziginchour trying to get access to more money. It may take some time, but thenI can purchase the rest of the materials. Please pray everything goes well

1 comment:

Denise said...

Happy Thanksgiving Matt,
I'm praying work continues at a good pace and for you to stay strong & refreshed.