Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Cool encounter

This Sunday I preached at the church and it went pretty well. There was some good responses to the message. I also played some worship songs on the guitar and sang them in French. I taught on some of the UCF foundational stuff. Again I went out to do evangelism, in the afternoon, with Marcel, Jerome, and Leopold. There was a sick woman who complained of severe stomach pain. She asked that we come and share about Jesus. As we prayed God revealed that she was involved in witchcraft and idol worship. It is pretty typical here for people to visit witch doctors or ju ju men for cures or direction. It can involve animal sacrafice, giving money, traditional worship, and in some casees sexual things. Well we asked her to share more because God revealed there was much more than she was telling us. She told us more details about how she had been seeking all types of cures going to these ju ju men and different shrines and spending all kinds of money. She prayd with us to receive Jesus and turn from idol worship. Again the Holy Spirt revealed there was more going on she was not saying. When asked she confessed she had amulets tied around her (more witchcraft) and was still thinking of going to a shrine in the Gambia. We talked with her some more about giving herself totally to Jesus and left. This morning she was at my door and shared how she had a dream and someone spoke to her and told her she needed to tell us the truth and ask for prayer for healing and forgiveness! She shared some more details, of what she was involved in, I really dont want to get into, repented and we prayed for healing. I believe God did a mighty work in her.

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