Friday, October 13, 2006

In Zig

I have been in a town called Ziginchour yesterday and today. it is much bigger than oussouye. i had to go get money from the bank and check a few things out. i will return today to try and get things going. Marcel is one of the elders in the church in oussouye, and he just got back from england. he was in charge of the church construction project here, so he knows all the contacts. hopefully we can get things started. I will need to buy the materials in Zig to make bricks. I think we have to wait until the rainy season is over before we can make them though. they have to dry in the sun and the rain would destroy them. i think the rainy season will be over in a few weeks. I hope that means it wont be so humid as well. it has been in the 30s Celcius and very very humid. I think that is like the 90s.

Some cool news, i found out that that sick baby we prayed for was healad. The family is muslim and the mother said the baby has been sick for over a month and always crying. the next day after the prayers the crying stopped and she is doing very well. God is cool. I am still praying for Gilbert the crippled boy. I really want to see him get healed. Also while in Zig Alain introduced me to a man who is the chief of a village called Kagnout. It is not far from Oussouye, near a town called Mlump. He invited me to come there to pray and share the gospel, because there is no church there. I hope to be able to do this some time.

I am getting adjusted to life here, it may take a few weeks. some of my favorite things are: the people, they are very friendly and love to talk. they are poor but generous, always inviting you to join them in a meal. i love the food as well. there is rice and fish in every meal, i have eaten more rice in the last week than i have in my whole life. Yesterday I ate crabs African style, which means you just crunch through the shells suck out the meat and spit the shells on the ground. Another awesome experience is the bathing from a bucket. after being hot and sweaty all day pouring on cool water is an exhilirating experience. of course so is watching out for monsterous spiders. two days ago as i was about to bathe i saw the biggest spider i ever saw crawl out. it keeps you on your toes.

Also today I got my first ever african haircut. i went into the place and was asked which style I wanted. I looked in awe at the posters of dozens of styles to choose from. they were mostly rappers like P diddy and 2Pac. I asked where was the "toobob" which is Wolof for white man. he just laughed and shaved away. a small crowd of kids gathered around for the show. It was an experience. I have more to tell, but later for now....


Vince Switzer said...

OK, so what kind of haircut did you get? You always seem to surpirse me with your cuts!
Sounds like you're doing well...I'm praying!'

Denise said...

Yeah? "Shaved away"... are you bald?