Thursday, October 19, 2006

God amazes me again

This is really cool, Marcel came over all excited shouting with some good news. Let me back up, so far we have had no idea how we were going to get trucks to the building site. It is in an undeveloped area, really the bush. There are only narrow walking trails through peoples yards. Well it seems that today trucks came and cleared a road right to our site! Just in time really. This is so cool, I cannot express how huge this is. The site is adjacent to a new school under construction, and they made another back access road to it. Convieniently, it leads right to us.

Progress continues in the planning. I have been having daily meetings with the builder to estimate all the costs of labor, materials, transport, finishes, etc. Many of the details are coming into focus, pray the costs stay low for everything. If it does not rain for 10 days we can get truck to the site now. We may even start clearing the land next week, God willing. I am amazed at how things are moving, God is literally clearing the way!

On another note, the elders have asked if I would teach bible studies and also travel to some of the newer village churches to teach. So I will hopefully be traveling on the weekends. I am excited to get into more ministry here.

I will end on sharing another cool thing about Africa. There are not many lights at night, no light pollution. It makes for an amazing sky. The stars and milky way are so intensly clear it continues to amaze me. Au revoir for now...

1 comment:

Denise said...

That is ridiculously cool! How much more clearly can God make a way? I'm praying for you!