Monday, October 09, 2006

I made it!

Well I made it to Oussouye on Saturday morning, after many hours of travel. Unfortunately the only place here with an internet connection is randomly open and the connection is very slow. If I do not respond to your email, forgive me it is impossible to do anything on the computer here. It took over 20 minutes just to log on. Ok well i arrived in Dakar early Friday morning. I thought someone might meet me but no such luck. With my pitiful French and an Address I managed to get a ride to Roger Diatta's house, our friends in Dakar. One of his sons took me downtown to change money and but a ticket for the boat to Zigunchour. It took most of the day a very slow process. We went back had dinner and a short rest. Then back to the dock to wait to get on the boat. The boat was an interesting experience to say the least. Many people packed on a large ship along with various goods. We left at 9:00pm and arrived in Zig at 10:AM the next day. I slept most of the time. Once off the ship it was a battle to find my bags amidst the throngs of rummaging Africans. I managed to get my stuff and hoped to see a familar face. Well it didnt happen. Again my frech and bargaining skills were put to the test and I found a ride to Oussouye. It is greqt to be here and see everyone. I am excited to get the project started. Today I spent time walking the site and praying. I am looking at the placement of the structure and I want to make sure it is right based on the sun. It is very hot and I want it to be shaded properly. OK hope to keep you posted, but you never know when that may be

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