Wednesday, October 18, 2006

much has happened

Well so much has happened in the last few days. First I had a meeting with the elders of the church here, they wanted to hear more details of the vision of the training center. They were very excited and asked me to share this with the church on Sunday. I spoke and it went very well. People had many questions, and were very happy to hear about this. Some offered to help. Before this only the elders knew of the project. Two of the elders Marcel and Jerome said they would fully commit to helping me get the best prices for materials and workers. Marcel was in charge of the recent building of their new church here. He has contacts for the different building trades, and is familiar with what everything should cost. This is a huge relief, and I know we will get good prices for everything.

Also on Sunday Marcel asked me to go out and do evangelism with him. I was excited, but he does not speak English, and my French is still lame. I Agreed to go along an pray and see what God would do. We ended up going on bikes to a nearby village called sengelene. When the UCF team was here in March, we prayed extensively through this place. Well it was really cool, Marcel was talking and I was just asking people what they wanted prayer for? to see what God would do. We ended up praying for around 20 people, most were animists, and most of the prayers were for healing. I am excited to hear what God will do. I hope to return to some of these houses with Jerome to translate. It was so much fun, and I could sense The Spirit was really responding as we prayed.

Some other random things: I have been to two funerals, helped with some work at the new church, and helped put labels on jam jars. (some ladies in the church have a jam business) I think we have secured a builder for the project as well. I have spent more time at the building site and went there with the elders and the builder to measure the limits of the land. I also had two meetings with the builder discussing prices and details. Today we were calculating how mant bricks were in the building and various costs of materials. Things are moving? more details to follow....

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