Saturday, June 16, 2007

More hurdles...

The closer we get to finishing the more the little things seem to matter. There is less than two weeks until the dedication ceremony and it seemed all the trucks to transport construction materials were broken or occupied. I was trying for week to get a truck to deliver sand and shells to the site. Finally today we had a breakthrough! After much searching, even in different towns, I found a truck to get us the stuff. Now we have all the materials at the site, keep praying for the work! Another twist was the contractor went to Dakar last week to vote and he didnt return. He wanted to stay at his home for an extended period of time, not really concerned about our discussions of a deadline. He came back yesterday finally, so I am hoping he will see it through. He seems a little volitale now as well and we had some kind of argument though I am not sure about what or why. Tomorrow we will start painting...

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