Sunday, June 24, 2007

Last phase

God has truly answered prayers as we come closer to the end. We have been painting fast and furiously as the clock is ticking. It is a difficult process to paint masonry and completely different from anything I have painted before. We need to do three coats as well, so it is time consuming. Last week after the tile guy finished he was stuck in town here with nothing to do. We had become friends and he offered to help paint. It was amazing, he was the best worker I have ever seen and helped get so much accomplished. The interior painting is all finished. All the details are coming together now. The plumbing was also completed on Thursday. Andy and the team from the US just arrived on Saturday and are here for the dedication service next Saturday. They are actually staying at the center right now, though there is still no electricity. We will have a very busy last week though there is still so much to do. There is also a lot of site work to be done and dirt and rubble to be moved around. Please continue to pray for the last phase here.

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