Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Almost there

Here is a recent shot from the back of the center. You can see the doors and windows a little better. There has been so much progress it is hard to keep this blog updated. The tile guys are almost finished and I hope to post some of those photos soon. Everything is coming together. I have been getting pretty worn out, the pace has been tough the last couple of weeks but the finish line is in sight. I also wanted to say that the weekly bible study at my house has been really cool. We have been focusing on hearing Gods voice and some cool things have been happening. This past week we talked about being baptized in the Holy Spirit. At the end we prayed and worshipped and the presencence of God was strongly felt and all experienced a touch from God. Some of the people began to speak in tounges as well. All left refreshed and Ishmael just had a huge grin and said how happy he was. So, though I have been consumed with the project God is still very active and moving in other areas. There have also been some cool times of evangelism lately. Please keep me in your prayers. I need Gods strength and I want to finish strong.

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