Wednesday, June 06, 2007


The tile guys finished up today and they did an excellent job. I am really happy with the details of everything. The pictures show the kitchen floor and counter and give a feel for what it will look like. It still needs to be cleaned up and painted but it’s almost there. You can see me there working with the tile guys to piece together the mosaic floor pattern. It is really cool how God is truly in the details. One lesson I have been learning over and over again is how nothing goes how I think it should and I am not in control. I shared the saga of getting the tile in Dakar and the transport adventure but I didn’t give the follow up. When the tile guys started we discovered that about half of the tiles were broken in transport! I was pretty disturbed and disappointed to say the least. Then God reminded me he has everything taken care of. So instead of getting all bent out of shape it was time to roll with it. I began to look at how many tiles were whole and go back to the drawing board. I came up with a design and showed the tile guy and we worked together at making the mosaic patterns with the broken tiles. After all is said and done I must say we ended up with a much more beautiful result than if the tiles all came in one piece. Once again I learned a very important lesson.

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