Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The speed of the progress has been truly amazing to me. There has been a large team of people building the walls and working on this phase of the project. This is about where things are at right now. There will be a little break until after the new year and then it will resume again. We still do not have a water line at the site, so one of my activities was filling up barrels of water using the neighbors well. It has been interesting. It looks like it will be pretty expensive to get a water line to the site, due to the remote location. The village will officially expand and include our neighborhood as part of its master plan. This would be when they would extend the main water line. Unfortunately this could be a couple of years away. I got an estimate for the work and the piping and it is around $3000. Much more than we planned in our budget. No worries though I know it will all come into place. In the pictures here you can see the concrete frame I was talking about in my last posting. They will still put more blocks on top of what you see here. Next also is the columns for the veranda. I will need to travel to the capitol city, Dakar next week to buy the rest of the materials. This will include the roofing, electrical, plumbing, tile, and all the finishes. Pray this goes well. Dakar is not a fun place.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Anyone talking about the "Dakar Rally"?