Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Good momentum

We have over 2500 bricks now. Pictured here is one of three piles of bricks on the site. The pace is good and we should have most of the bricks done by next week. We need 4000 for the building itself, plus a few hundred more for the septic. We are acquiring an excellent mason from Dakar in the north and he should be here soon. We still need a water line to the site, so we can make concrete for the footers. Pray for this to happen soon. I have to add that I was not aware of the magnitude of the miracle God did in securing us the permit. After talking to Marcel again he told me that the paperwork and getting the right people to sign off can take two or more years! He has seen this in the past and had other bad experiences. And here I was impatient when it took longer than a week! Before I didnt understand why he was so excited when we got the paper work done.

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