Monday, December 18, 2006

Much Progress

There has been so much progress in the last few days, and it will continue at a rapid pace. Right now the foundation work is complete and the walls start going up tomorrow. The building process is very different here, but simpler. The weather is always warm here so there are no worries about freezing and thawing. The foundation is only a few feet deep. Reinforcing the walls in also different. The structure is basically made as a concrete frame, and the bricks fill in the frame. Pictured here you can see foundation wall which is 2 courses of brick. Next on top, there is a poured, reinforced concrete beam, pictured here with the form in place. The reinforcing sticking up is for the concrete columns of the frame. Also pictured is what it looks like now, with the earth filled in. Walls and more coming soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Matthew
Please to see the progress being made.

Hope you have a good Christmas.
I have just finished editing another video for Téba, so reliving the "Oussoye experience" most days.

Will be in touch more fully in due course
Yours in Christ
Mark B