Tuesday, December 12, 2006

God is cool

I went to a small coastal village on Sunday called Jemboran. I went with a kid who lives there, but is going to school in Oussouye right now. I had a chance to preach at the church there. It was really super cool. God gave me a specific message before I left from Acts 19, and I felt inspired to pray that they would receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and power. Then He confirmed it. In the scripture passage it says how Paul went to a village and met with some believers and prayed they would get filled with the Spirit; it says there were 12 men. At this church I went to there were exactly12 adults, which God brought to my attention. Also during worship they began to sing and I felt the presence of God strongly; then they all started singing this chorus of a song in English! Very few people in this country even speak English, so it was a big surprise to me. They were the only words I understood, and they were "Come Holy Spirit fill us with your power" It was awesome. I shared the message, and took some questions and got to pray for each person one at a time. God showed me specific prophetic words for each person, and His presence was strong. One woman at the front began to weep and I was not sure what was happening. After we finished praying they had a time for people to share what God did. Many of the people confirmed the prophetic words were from God and specific to what they were going through. The coolest thing though was the womam who was weeping. It turns out, when she was on the ground weeping, she had a vision and Jesus appeared to her and told her not to worry or doubt; and he was healing her! How cool is God? He really impresses me. I hope I get to see more of His stuff. I also hope I do not get in the way of what He wants to do. Please pray for this church. Thank you GOD!

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