Wednesday, March 14, 2007

UCF in Senegal

Well the team left today to head up north to Dakar and then fly back to the states. I am sad to see them go, but we had an amazing time of ministry here. It was a whirlwind tour of many villages, more than I can count right now. We saw many people give their lives to Jesus every place we went. God also confirmed his words with miracles and signs. The last leg of the adventure was in Ziguinchor as we ministered to a church in the center of the town. We spent two days walking and praying through the city. We also did some evangelism and then teachings for the church. The focus was the role and work of the Holy Spirit. Last night the presence of God filled the place as we prayed for the Holy Spirit to come and we saw manifestations of His work. People began to prophesy and speak in tongues. One boy shared after of how he was powerfully touched. As the presence of God came on him, he was overwhelmed and unable to move for a while. Others describes the sensation of water being poured on them, and others had visions and words from God. My friend Uffi, the pastor, was very excited and shared how God gave him a powerful word and vision for his church. I am very excited to see what God will do through them. Kristina and I are planning to return soon and do some evangelism with them. Please pray for this little church in Ziguinchor, and the pastor Uffi and his wife Olga.

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