Sunday, February 25, 2007

Good news

God did a cool thing a few days ago. I was asked to go to the hospital to pray for a sick baby, so I went with a couple people from the church. The baby had a bad fever, and I put my hand on her head to pray, as we all prayed I could sense God was dong something. After we shared the gospel with the mother and encouraged her to seek Jesus. Before we left I touched the babys head again, and the fever was totally gone! The little girl was healed and left the hospital the next morning. God is so cool. Yesterday I went to Okoot, the village of Damien. We had a great time, and just hanging out with some of his friends. We had an oppoortunity to share the gospel and I was really encouraged. Damien stepped up and shared his new faith with passion. I was amazed at how he just came alive and flowed with the Holy Spirit. We had an opportunity to pray for two of his friends to begin a relationship with God.

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