Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Africa time...

Here is a shot from the roof. The wood planks are being supported below by slender trees trunks. Here you can see some men fastening the steel reinforcing together. When they finish, it will be time for the pouring of the concrete slab that will become the roof terrace. Things have been moving so slow lately, with very little progress in two weeks. The reinforcing finally came, which was part of the hold up. The guy I bought it from kept telling me "It will be there tomorrow" and this went on for two weeks. The water company is doing the same thing. They have not put the pipe in yet and it has been two week since I paid them. They keep saying they are waiting for materials. In addition the money machine is not working right now, so I cant access the necessary funds. So this is really typical in Africa, things are normally pretty slow and I am not surprised by too much. While on my way to Ziguinchor yesterday the bus ran out of gas and we just sat there for hours. I was finally able to hop on another bus passing by after paying another fair ($1). Most of the others had to wait it out because they didnt have money for another bus. I needed to get to Ziguinchor to buy shells. (They mix sea shells in with the concrete, they are strong reinforcing and less expensive than gravel). Well as I suspected I arrived too late to get them and stayed overnight. Now they dont have any left so I am waiting for the next shipment. I am not really surprised or upset or anything like that, I just felt like sharing a piece of African life. It is just the norm. I find I have way more patience and my normal mentallity of "I want it now" has finally died! I just get more time to pray or enjoy the company of others. Often there are many opportunities for evangelism while waiting here. Please pray for me I think I will be preaching in Ziguinchor this Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt! How are you? Sounds like quite an adventure going to Ziguinchur. Where did you sleep? Hope the materials and water come soon, and your bowels are cooperative with the rest of your life :)