Monday, January 15, 2007

Roof slab preparation

As I was explaining in the last email, here is the wood form work for the roof. It is basically wood planks supported in place with wood props. The cement will be poured on top and the forms removed when it has set. The underside of the slab will be the ceiling of the rooms. This will give us higher ceilings making the rooms cooler. It will also eliminate the need to construct a plaster ceiling, which was part of the previous plan. The change to make a roof terrace has improved the functionality of the building dramatically. On a different note, I got to travel again to preach in the coastal village Diembering. [In my last posts I spelled it wrong and called it Jemboran] It was another really cool experience. The people there are very nice and extremly receptive to the work of God. God gave me a specific message for them as a church and also for the pastor. It related to the story in the book of Judges about Gideon. As a bonus, after church I got to go to the beach and swim for the first time since I have been here. This is something I have really been wanting to do. It was a perfect day, and the waves were awesome. I had the beach entirely to myself as well since the only time the Africans go to the beach is when it is unbearably hot in July and August.

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